This summer the gardening took the far back seat on my to do list. Just short of taking the fence down and putting up a graze here sign, I gave into sharing my little fresh veggie spot with our wide hipped squatter. Still, there is work that needs to be done; like weeding.
So today while I was out there separating the weeds from the buffet favorites I noticed that a patch of thistle behind the shed had burst. The Goldfinches must be feasting as well. Because thistle grow big and take over the flower beds, I usually pull them as soon as they germinate. But these behind the shed got by me, and to the finches benefit and for us as well. For we enjoy their songs and seeing their flashes of yellow and black dipping across the sky.
There is good in all situations, even ground hogs. For if I had been on my usual schedule I would've pulled these thistle weeks ago.
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