Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's coming...

Christmas is coming. The mom is getting fat... Pleased to put a penny in the old girl's hat.

Ready or not; and it will be not. There is no way I'm going to get all the presents bought, all the packages sent, or all the stuff done before the jolly 25th. And I sit here, slogging through the daily to do list. Run here, deliver that there, work on this school project, put that thank you gift together.

What's the reason for this season? I am not getting caught up in the frenzy. It's like I have some sort of governor on Christmas Craziness. The 'rents and bro' are coming over Christmas Eve for an afternoon of presents, and seafood followed by Mass. I am so looking forward to spending time with them. Eating great food -- the bro' is bringing the calamari, I'll make the clam pie and there will be shrimp and some sushi for the more daring. Then the kids will play until it's time for Mass.

Bring it on. I'm relaxed and ready.


Anonymous said...

I am blessed to be a 'rent and be with my family. Love them so....
He came to be with us, thank you.

Tammy H. said...

Sounds heavenly to me. Enjoy your time together, that is what is truly important.