Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Know and Own Your Self Worth

I'm reading Lady Father by The Rev. Susan B. Bowman. It's an autobiographical account of her life and discernment to ordination as an Episcopal Priest. At one point a classmate tries to point out to Susan that she has given too much power over her existence to her Bishop and the committee which will decide whether she will be allowed to be ordained. It's a tough and interesting circumstance. And it is one that is easily mirrored in everyday life.

How many times have we (the royal me, included) gauged our self worth and our daily demeanor in a similar fashion? Letting someone's demands, desires or comments reflect in our outlook and even our day. A husband or a wife, a co-worker or boss, a friend or a passing stranger, who comments under their breath just within earshot? Was he talking to me?

How many times has control or negativity been echoed by our own little voice? To which we listen to intently and believe, though knowing it's not right. Why? And why don't we latch on as tightly to positive feedback?

Know your self worth. Know you are a good person. Know your intentions are worthy.



jeff noel said...

I think this message. Great reminder.

Patty Hebert said...

I think this message too, but thinking isn't always believing.

Unknown said...

Great reminder to all of us.

Patty Hebert said...

We should write it across our bathroom mirrors. :-)