At a recent social function one of the faithful volunteers discovered I have a PhD, in biophysics, no less. By her look, anyone for miles around could tell she was shocked. After all how could anyone who put a croc button of Mickey Mouse in her sneaker be that educated? (Really, it's not about the mouse.) But I digress.
Her next comment, "Too bad you don't use it," sparked the reply, "Oh but I do, every day that I live and breathe."
An education, information learned whether in a classroom, or a lab, or in life, is for keeps. Short of a biochemical/medical failure it can't be taken away or returned. It's not part of a lending library. True I don't calculate the energetic activation and regulation of the coupling factor in spinach daily -- or even yearly, but I do use, (some would say, "over use") the organizational and planning skills so required to conduct experiments.
A family calendar, or coordinating a community event, requires just as much mental processing as preloading ATP with a radioactive terminal phosphate. One big difference is the calendar, though hot with activity, doesn't require storage in a plexiglass box.
My brain hurts thinking about how smart you are. Nice post, different.
Jeff -- You make me laugh. I just finished fertilizing the lawn. There is a chill in the air. In addition to my Mouse shoes, I'm wearing my Goofy sweatshirt. Think of the line, "How could the stay puft marshmallow (woman) hurt anyone."
No worries... with a smile on my face, I'm looking forward to sweeping Main Street, USA. :-)
Shall we call you Dr. Patty? I like it, has a nice ring.
Is that you, Tammy, Esquire? :-)
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