Sunday, March 11, 2007

Fifty Ounces

It struck me as funny -- how we keep track of the maple syrup yield; like gold, by the ounce. Fifty ounces from today's boil; about 88 from the last. Jars of golden delight line the kitchen window sill.

Much the same way my children wait for Santa, their birthday, and the Easter bunny, I have been waiting for warmer weather. All last week, the wind and bitter, bitter cold kept me tucked in. The same way it kept the sap from flowing. I ventured out into the backyard only twice to rehang buckets. They must be at the ready. For when the temperature shifts, the sap will start flowing again. And it did.

This morning I collected 15 gallons of sap from our twleve taps. With the ten gallons left from before the freeze, it wasn't quite enough for a full day. But the weather was warm; perfect for maple sugaring. So we did. It was another great day, with the promise of many more this week.

Of course, nothing is real without worry. And I worry about the temperatures getting too warm, and the trees leafing out. Marking the end of the season. Only time, temperature and the trees will tell.

1 comment:

Steve said...

No offense, PT, but I'm ready for some warm weather on a consistent basis. But I'm glad you got a nice yield of syrup!