Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Mom

While we were taking down the buckets today my little farmer noticed a few taps were still running. "Leave them," she said. "We can get more maple syrup."

We did. Those 5 gallons and 7 brought over from a friend and we're boiling in the house, on the stove, two pans, the exhaust fan at half throttle. It must be smelling pretty maply outside.

The end result: 2.5 cups of very dark maple syrup after 9 hours of boiling.


Anonymous said...

Out of the mouths of babe's come wisdom for the ages....

Give them all my love!

As the sap slows to a stop the motorcycle must start, from one adventure to another.


Anonymous said...

I can almost smell it. We had some Maple syrup on fruit salad this morning!! Yes, it was very good.

Yes, uncle would say that.

Love, M