Monday, April 28, 2008

Oh about a weak back

(From China -- when I could bend and look up with a camera pressed to my eye, simultaneously.)

All I can say, is thank God, this didn't happen while we were away.

I was picking up from our extravaganza when my back went. I knew something was up, but it took a few hours for the full affect to cement itself to my spine. I'm moving slowly -- but at least I am moving. And feel I should continue to do so, or I might become a performance art piece -- the human board. No bed rest, or I'll be that bed for eternity. But it's also no gardening, no picking up anything heavier than a piece of toast, no deep knee bends, as if I could do them before -- it's nice to dream, and breathing is still good.

It's ibuprofen and ice, my two new best friends.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, advil, ice and hot showers. Good Luck and rest rest rest.

Kris said...

I feel your pain! Really!
Massage helps... so does liquor.