Thursday, October 20, 2005

Fall and Winter Morning Gifts

I love waking up at 4 AM. It's a gift of 2 hours of quiet mommy time. Two hours of solitude to write, or read , exercise, get lunches ready, or God forbid, dust.

As I am a slave to day light, in the summer, its easy to get up early. The sun and the birds do most of the hard work and the floors are never cold. But as winter draws near, and the days squeeze down to nothing, getting up early almost never happens. Where most days, I get up well after my dear husband's 6 AM departure, but thankfully prior to when the girls need to get off to school.

But these sleepy winter mornings have their charm as well. For there are very few things that can compare to waking up and finding one or even three blessed bundles peacefully lying next to you.


DawnApril said...

those bloggscammers love you huh?

Idiot Cook said...

I really thing this could be a great personal essay for a women's magazine...I'm serious....keep going (you'll need about 600-900 words total). OR, you could use this as your lead and then give a 10-step list of "ways to get two extra hours out of your day...and what to do with them."

Great writing!