I'm going out a limb here. I'm going to tell the truth, "I hate soccer."
I am the anti-soccer mom. Mind you I love to watch my daughter play. She plays well, and she loves the game. So, she plays, and socializes and has a great time.
But I hate, no despise, the fact that once a game is missed you can expect that email from the coach stating that the make up game is on such and such date, at such and such time, and, oh by the way, have your daughter there 45 minutes early. There goes the daily schedule and I start the blood pressure raising task of getting everyone where they need to be a la soccer.
If the email would come with the sentence, "I hope you all can make it" or "I know this is short notice, but it would be great if we could all do this for the greater glory of the game." But, there are no hopeful statements, just the daunting task of schedule rearranging.
I will say this year's coach is by far the most understanding coach she has had to date. Prior years, family events, like going away to Florida for April Vacation, were met with statements like, "Can you leave on Sunday instead of Saturday so she won't miss the game?"
So, I count my blessings, and try to focus on the facts that she absolutely loves the game, enjoys her team mates, and all the schedule rearranging is good mental exercise.
ha blog spammer got you!!
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