Friday, October 14, 2005

I'll be 45 soon. In a few short weeks. I have 3 girls and an advanced degree in biophysics to show for all my years. However, the days pass like clothes through my washer. I often say I don't know what will happen in a day until its over. It is so true, trips to the ER, runs to the store, impromptu home improvement projects... after a miraculous finding in the toilet. Does anyone have any idea how the lid of the water bottle found its way in there?

Even worse, my baby just turned 5. Time slips past each and every day.My oldest daughter's cousin, and one of my dearest friends, recently blogged about embracing today for tomorrow is not certain. I have to agree with her. Each and every day is a gift.

Do you wonder how a dear friend can be my daughter's cousin? Well actually, she is related via my X. But I am so thankful for her. We met in the cry room at our church and over time she discovered our relationship. Who said you can't be friends with your family.

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