Friday, May 26, 2006

Errand, errands, errands

Finally, we are home. I am suppose to be packing for a world-wind wedding trip (not our own) to VA., but instead I'm sitting here, eating a tuna fish sandwich (with mayo, Cains to be specific), drinking a cold cup of morning old coffee (oversharing?) and reading my daily meditation.

Here it is, "In all our best efforts to provide advantages we have actually produced the busiest, most competitive, highly pressured and overorganized generation of youngsters in our history -- and possibly the unhappiest."

Now that is something to ponder. The Lazears go on to say, "... When the entire family is overextended and everyone has overachieved as best as he can, you have a house with the lights on, and nobody home."

I have to agree. I love those lazy playdate days. When the girls have a friend or two over, there is no plan, and there is no screaming.

I love long quiet mornings when we all can sleep as late as we want. And then to roll over and sleep some more.

I love afternoons full of board game play, and no phone.

And I love putting make up on the girls and painting their nails 4 different colors. It's a rare time when I "get all dolled up." At the elementary school or church function, I'm the over aged mom wearing the mommy drab uniform to a tee. So, I'm not a glamour expert by no means. But I'm the mom, and we all know, until a child becomes a teenager, moms know everything.


Anonymous said...

Do you really want to admit to the world that you use Cains?

Idiot Cook said...

LOVE this, PtCakes...the last few graphs especially...makes me feel all warm inside.