Wednesday, May 24, 2006

For BigMama

Over coffee, BigMama reminded me that I haven't been posting on the daily advice I get from Mediations for Parents Who Do Too Much. I told her I do read it everyday, but some how I forgot this morning. Truly I doubt she is looking for advice. She has the mothering thing down pat.

Anyway here is today's excerpt, and it is a direct quote, "How often do we not see children ruined through the virtues, real or supposed, of their parents?"

The Lazears go on to say that parents will do anything not to face their own loneliness and filling up the calendar to keep themselves active via their children is not the answer.

Thankfully, I don't find myself seeped in loneliness to often. At times, yes -- but luckily these times are few and far between. And I have to agree with the Lazears, a full calendar is not the sign of a happy house, nor does it make me a happy person. For us, a full calendar is the sign of a frantic spinning out of control house. With three lovelies, it is very hard to make sure we have time at home with no schedule. I love a backyard full of kids making it up as they go along. I love the make believe and the private worlds that appear in my living room or under the dining room table. I love finding one of the lovelies curled up in their bed with a good book.

When we allow children to use their imagination, work through the "I have nothing to do's," we give them the chance to find happiness and reliance within themselves. And what parent doesn't want that for their child.


Idiot Cook said...

Wonderful insight, as always, PtCakes!

DawnApril said...

WONDERFUL I am all caught up. Thank you.