Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My New Book

Big Mama presented me with a mommy's day present today. A book titled, Meditations for Parents Who Do Too Much. Each day there is a few lines, that even I should be able to find time to read. But just in case things get frantic, I read tomorrow's already. It said, "When you are dealing with children, keep your wits about you and sit on the floor."

Truer words have never been spoken, never mind written down.

The preschool my youngest attended is over for the year. We have been home alone, together for three days now, two of which were rainy. She is used to being entertained at school, between the hours of 9 and 12, and I've grown accustomed to this block of time being chatter free. Can you see the problem here?

So, after reading this pearl of wisdom I thought, just try it. Sit on the floor and see what happens.

Well it worked. Quiet and calmness happened. We played at least a billion games of Guess Who? and then later went outside for some bike riding. I use the term bike riding loosely. She yells at me to never let go of her shirt as she rolls down the driveway, and on the way back she yells at me to push. I looked upon the whole hour of back and forth as unanticipated exercise. And an opportunity to remind her to use nice words.

In the end it was a good day.

1 comment:

DawnApril said...

HAHAHA I love this! I laughed so hard at the bike lines...And I'm going to try the sit down with them trick. You must write these pearls daily. To hell with legalities.