The New England Catholic Family Conference was yesterday at St. Mary's in Waltham. We had never been to a conference, but the program looked interesting, having separate activities for the youth, Mass with Cardinal Sean, and a family bbq afterwards. I asked the girls if they wanted to go, they said yes -- so we went.
As we drove over, there was a lot of trepidation on the part of the young in the back seat.
Would they have fun? I assured them yes, but if after giving it a try, it they wanted to leave, we would. The venue ran from 1 PM to 8 PM. Long even for adults...
Would they make friends? I assured them, if they were a friend then they would make friends.
It looks like it is going to rain, is this outside? This is a big conference, I assured them of a rain plan; no worries.
What if it were hot, was there AC? I almost pulled the car over to glare at them. The weather we've been having... need AC... not today... maybe a sweater.
Still they were nervous as they filed off to their groups. I was nervous too, and made sure my cell phone was accessible.
A little over two hours later, after listening to two talks on family and vocations, and no cell phone ringing, I had to almost pry them away from their groups. The little one was dancing, as she delivered a letter she wrote for one of our local priests. The middle one made a new friend and future penpal, from 3 towns over. They both had a blast -- acting out parts of the bible, watching a video, and experiencing Adoration. Both said Adoration was the best. I was delighted and relieved that they had enjoyed themselves.
After a brief snack, we went into the church for Mass with the Cardinal and about eight of his brother priests. Again the girls crowded the end of the pew. I was delighted to see two priests that traveled to WYD with us, as well as a fellow pilgrim from Newton.
The Mass was multicultural, just like WYD; full of lively music and singing. The little one received Communion from the Cardinal. When she realized this was about to happen I thought I was going to have to tie her down she was so with excited.
Afterwards at the family bbq, the girls spent the time playing with a foxtail on the lawn with a half a dozen new friends. As dusk drew in, it was time for us to leave. Bedtime, and summer school starts today.
As we drove off, and the soft rains came, I asked the girls if they wanted to comeback next year, and they said, "Yes." So I consider this a successful event. But the girls did mention that the Cardinal looked tired, and maybe he should take three weeks off and rest.
I wish I had been there. What a wonderful day.Yes, you can get excited about Jesus!!!
Sounds like you had a great day!
It was a great day.
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