Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Remember when...

Remember a few posts back when the little one was home sick (?) and we lazed about on the hammock doing homework? Well out on that hammock she (with questioning from mom) wrote this poem. It was her final project for her Insect Research on the Praying Mantis.

A Happy Lunch

In a vegetable garden, I am watching for some prey.
Looking with my bulgy eyes.
Smacking my external jaws with thoughts of a cricket lunch.
Under the summer sun, soon my guest crawls by.
Happily, I greet him with a spiny foreleg to his back
before biting his head off.

Yes, I am a proud momma. This little author swore up one blade of grass and down all others that she couldn't write a poem. Well I think she did a great job. So did her teacher, who gave her an A.


Amara said...

A very pristine poem. I quiet enjoyed it.

Kris said...

I can think of a few comic book atists who could illustrate that poem rather nicely!

my backyard said...

What a fun poem!