Monday, November 13, 2006

Another Soft Rain, Thank God

It's a soft rain. As the girls prepared for school by fabric painting on their backpacks, (don't ask), I waded through the paper piles that have been building on the kitchen counter. It's an archeological dig, of sorts. Old school papers, scrap of papers with important phone numbers, coupons, most expired, soccer schedules, music schedules, play schedules...

My life in a pile. Interesting at best, not boring in the least. As the girls head off to school I remind them of their afternoon commitments. "Clarinet for you, CFF for you two." There is elation and frowns. One of these days I going to say, "On ITunes for you. Finishing that knitting project for you." Smiles will be all around.

But that is what Thanksgiving is for. Over the Thanksgiving break, as a family we all stop the race. My dear one reads, watches movies, converses with relatives and puts up with me coming in for the cuddle on the couch. All the girls knit. From the moment we arrive at the holiday gathering spot, their knitting is out. They cross and recross those needles from morning to night -- breaking only for meals and sleep. I do suspect this year will be a bit different, as the oldest is plugged into an iPod the majority of her waking time. But she knits just the same.

I cook, dance the turkey dance with my sister in law, go in for the long cuddles, and help with the knitting. I can only offer to help, since I am the Mom. I am second best. It is my Mom and my Aunt who are hounded by the girls to sit and knit. And that's good. The girls love their grandmother and great aunt. And over some crossed needles they have learned to stop the racing and enjoy being in each others close knit company.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can SOOOO relate to piles that are archaelogical digs!

My life lives in piles that I hold close.