Tuesday, November 28, 2006


For the past week when I have sat down to write, I've come up empty. Blank. Uninspired. Staring at this stark white computer screen left my mind numb, facing a void of words, no ideas, no clue. I tried for the usual Thanksgiving jot, and was left wanting. Oh sure, there is plenty to be thankful for -- the girls, my husband, friends, family, turduken, maple sugaring, being alive, a warm house. God, the list is endless... but I floundered in an abyss of wordlessness.

I faced the keyboard again this weekend, and again yesterday. Still nothing. And now... still nothing. So, to move ahead I am writing about this nothing. And as I type here I have some clue as to why I haven't been able to write. In a word: Interuptions. Half ideas mowed down by life. Just to get these two hopeless paragraphs down has taken 2 hours... and breakfast, making lunches, one trip to school (due to rain), homework, and decorating a gingerbread house. And next to me is the last scarf I need to finish for our "One Hundred Scarves for Christmas." Ten more rows -- max., and it will be done. Ten more rows of no writing.

And I need to come up with something for dinner. I need to go food shopping. I need to go to school and take some pictures. I need to go for a walk.

The search is on for that peaceful place where ideas can safely emerge and develop.


Idiot Cook said...

Hang in there. They'll come. And if you need an idea, how about writng the 100 scarves for Christmas as a column for the Tab or MWDN??

Anonymous said...

Good idea, FC!