Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Moving On

In Ireland they have a saying for days like today. It goes like this, "It's a soft rain, thank God." At first I thought it meant: Be thankful it's only lightly raining instead of the usual downpour.

But I think there is a more hopeful meaning. A soft rain is good for taking stock, praying to one's God, talking with old friends, catching up and relaxing. Soft rain slows down life's hectic pace. Smooths out life's jagged edges. Sips of coffee are longer, deeper. Conversations are more heartfelt. Listening is truly listening when it's a soft rain. Children delight in playing in the mist. Being outside is more of an adventure. And the mud puddles are warm.

So I thank God, for today and the wonderfully refreshing soft rain.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it was a beautiful to stand with my son and watch trains move around a trainyard.

P.H. said...

Did you take pictures?