Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Breathing Easier

Now that summer is unofficially here, life is all about breathing easier, and getting more exercise into our lives. So far we've been to the track three times. Mommy walks, while the girls walk, jog, ride their bikes, play ball and ask on a regular basis, "Are you done yet?"

Someday, when they are mommies, their words will haunt them. They will remember all to well the litany of, "I'm bored. Can we go? My legs hurt? There's nothing to do..." For now, I walk, breathe in and out and tune them out. Good mother that I am.

My only reply has been, "Give me 45 minutes and the rest of the day is yours." And it's true. Give me time to feel good about myself and I'll see that you have every opportunity to have fun. Of course, in this house, that's not the whole truth.

Summer, in this house, means summer homework: reading and math. Each day starts with the usual breakfast, dishes in the dishwasher, brush hair and teeth, and then as soon as school ends, tacked on to the end of the list is: math and reading. For only by doing summer homework does one earn TV time.

Please don't think they go calmly down this path like sheep to pasture. It takes a week of gentle reminding and tantrum ignoring for me to get the reminder across, that this summer is no different than any other. Homework first. Fun second. And squeezed in between there somewhere is track time for mommy.

Yesterday afternoon the girls filled their afternoon up with a hundred trips down the water slide. So far, (both times they've used it), it has proven to be a good investment for summer fun.

And while I sit and supervise the fun, "NO jumping off the top of the slide!", I've been spinning and knitting. It's very slow progress processing the wool from two sheep. But I have a whole summer, and then some before me.

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