Monday, June 04, 2007

One More Gone

Well, just about gone... I am in the final stages of a school year long project. I'm burning 24 DVDs which hold a year's worth of photographs (274 out of probably a 1,000 shots) and singing for one of the classrooms at a local school. The show is over 27 minutes long... and I get to test them all for playability.

In September when this project started I didn't know any of the children's names. Now they wave to me in the hallways or at the market and some even know my name. They are all good. Some, I've even gotten the chance to play chess with, or chaperone on council field trips. But as nice as this process, (photographing a classroom over the course of a year), is -- I think this is my last one.

The work load is daunting. I must've visited this classroom 20 plus times over the course of the year. The best times were gym and music. Boy can these kids sing! I loved recording them for the background music. And gym was jumping rope. Some of the images are of the kids in mid air. I love those photos.

My next favorites are from crazy hair day, chess, art, the baseball game, and the world fair. It's interesting to look at their work from the beginning of the year and then again at the end. It's nice to see the improvement in their letters and math. Today was Author's Tea, another good photo day. Those kids have written some wonderful books. I could see them being published before mine. Lucky Ducks.

I'm proud of them, and they're not even mine.


Kris said...

You photographed a class over a whole school year? WOW! What a great idea! I may have to steal that one.

Laura said...

you are the world's most fabulous mom.

Anonymous said...

I think you should start a website to promote your professional services.