Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Part 15

"A baby!" yelped Lovie, "YIPEE!" dancing about Jenny's small room.

Charlotte ran her tongue around the inside of her mouth. Something she did when she was waiting for the other shoe to fall. "Well, this isn't exactly how I wanted to tell you girls, but it's true. If all goes well, you'll have a baby brother or sister in June or July of next year."

"Well," interjected Dr. Houseman, "I guess I'll have your ultrasound moved over here. Let's say around 2 PM."

Charlotte shock her head, and the doctor left.

"Can I go with you mom?" It was Sarah asking. "Me too," said Lovie.

"Do you know what an ultrasound is?" asked Charlotte.

"No, but if Sarah's going, I want to, too."

Jenny put on a pout. "Figures I won't be able to go. I'm always left out."

Charlotte was torn. Should she deny all her daughters because of the sensitive one? Or should this just be one of those things, those many things, that Jenny would never let her live down. "What if I had them put the session on a DVD for you? Then you can watch it."

Still pouting Jenny groused, "I don't want them to see it."

That petty attitude got under Charlotte's skin every time.

"Jenny, sweetheart" said her dad, "while the girls are gone you and I can play chess. I saw a board at the nurses' station. They must have known we were coming."

His daughter's face softened. She was the only one who he played chess with. It was their special game to share. "Okay, but don't forget the DVD."

"No worries," then turning towards her husband the peacekeeper she mouthed thank you.

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