Friday, November 16, 2007

Part 39

Dr. Houseman glanced down at the bed and saw the blood stain spreading out on the sheets. Diving over Charlotte he grabbed the nurse call button and yelled, "Nurse stat, call the O.R..We have a bleeder."

Charlotte was woozy. Still she thought, with that tone of voice, he didn't need the call button.

In no time the room was full of medical personal. Dr. Houseman was barking orders. And the staff were preforming in what seemed like medical military precision. "Charlotte," called the doctor, "Can you hear me?"

Charlotte opened her eyes and nodded. They were wheeling her down the hall.

"We're taking you to surgery. We have to stop this bleeding."


Charlotte nodded again.

"Charlotte," Dr. Houseman put his hand on her shoulder as he ran along side the gurney. "I'll do everything I can for you... and then the baby."

As she feel back to what seemed like a dreamless sleep Charlotte wondered what he meant by that. Of course he'll help the baby. that was his job.

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