Those few degrees make the world of difference. Before the syrup was thin; now it is, of course, thicker -- more acceptable. Ironically, both our thermometers are broken. In the photo, at this rip roaring boil one was reporting a T of 187 and the other 257. Both are heading for the trash. So for this batch we watched for the bubbling to erupt and then checked the finished product with the hydrometer.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Those few degrees make the world of difference. Before the syrup was thin; now it is, of course, thicker -- more acceptable. Ironically, both our thermometers are broken. In the photo, at this rip roaring boil one was reporting a T of 187 and the other 257. Both are heading for the trash. So for this batch we watched for the bubbling to erupt and then checked the finished product with the hydrometer.
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1 comment:
Ironically, both our thermometers are broken.
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