What isn't a secret is all of my adult (since 30) life I have fought daily with my weight.
I was the skinny kid. The kid who could eat anything and remained a bean pole. The healthy and active kid, who is still an active (50+) adult, but now with health issues. Most people say, "Oh you're not overweight. Eat a cookie." But my health numbers are telling me and my doctors a different story.
So, my secret. It was my early surprise Valentine's Day present from my husband: A Wii and the Wii fit. (Our family's first video game system.) So I've been Wii'ing.
I like the body assessment piece at the beginning. The BMI and weighing in... the stillness test... a daily or whenever benchmark. I like being able to "attend" a step class without negotiating the traffic between this house and any gym. My wee secret: I like Wii fit. But not only me, but the girls too. And I'm looking forward to the new Mii.
Life is hard. And our children watch how we deal with it. How we deal with it (I'm assuming) helps influence how they will. Never quit. Congratulations.
Fail, yes. Quit, never.
Happy Wii'ing to you! Sounds like you are having fun!
At one time, 4 out of 5 doctors recommended smoking too. I think iwill sit on the couch and wait for the counter claim about exercise and video games and make a well informed decision about this new thing called exercise.
Love bro
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