Was an interesting day. jeff noel recently blogged the two most significant days in a person's life is the day they are born and the day you realize why.
Yesterday as I comforted a client I realized why. I know where I am suppose to be. I know what I am suppose to do. That's significant.
You are truly Blessed and received a wonderful gift yesterday! You were allowed to see one of your gifts in action! But let me tell you something, you are the Johnny Appleseeds of our faith. You drop seeds here and there and go back to water and cultivate, when needed and allow it to grow to be it's own. You just don't always see the progress because you are not the type to say, hey look what I did! I did that! Don't touch it that is mine, I did that! You are way to busy and unselfish to hang around to long.
Love bro
I gather you have made your decision. Good for you.
Oh Bro -- You are so sweet!
Love ya, Your Blister
enjoy your decision, and give thanks and praise you were shown the truth.
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