Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Who would bail you out?

I find it unthinkable that the CEO of Lehman Richard Fuld is still enjoying his take while we the American people, when faced with similar financial hardship would not be given the same options. Can you imagine being able to walk up to the Senate and House and asking them to clean up your business mistakes and then being allowed to keep your multi million dollar assets or live in anything bigger than standard subsidized housing for a family of his size -- minus the hired help? I can see it now, " Oh Senator... I've lost my job and my family is now losing their home. Can you help me?"

Right, if we made it into an office, security would be called and we'd be given the pat on the back by an Aide and shown the door. Or less. I know people in this situation. Hard working Americans, who have lost homes, who are buried in debt, who could use a helping hand -- far less than the 700 billion this country has just handed out.

And I ask, what about the man in Southern California, who after facing months of hardship killed himself and his family? Did the Senate do anything to help him out? I'm sure, it's the same answer, "He never asked." Like it would've helped.

I wonder if Mr. Fuld will, like so many facing financial hardship, find himself homeless? Or maybe now we should consider Fuld's housing as subsidized... all his multi million dollars homes with their tennis courts, swimming pools and art collections. If so, where is my thank you? Hey, Mr. Fuld -- I'm paying for your mistakes. Or better yet, save the stamp, and offer several families, who have lost their homes, shelter. From the images on the news, I think 4 or 5 families could share each dwelling and not even know the other families are there.

For the sake of this country (Is that true?) the government thought it was best to save your company. But like anyone else struggling in these hard times, I doubt you will truly know the hardship that faces many Americans everyday. Many of whom (via their taxes) will be forced to work hard so that you and your company are kept in the ways you've become accustomed. Enjoy? I don't think that I could.

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