Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Still going on about that Camp In

Go ahead, ask me about my weekend. I hope you have a few hours to kill. I've actually thought about hanging out downtown so I would have a wider audience than the pedestrian traffic that crosses our driveway.

Despite all my ravings, there are people out there that don't completely love sleeping at a museum. This humorous article in theBoston Globe Suburban Diary that offers an opposing view.

That said, we didn't have any dropped toothbrushes, and all the chaperones and girls slept like the dead. All except the one that sat up around 4 AM. I was up, but remember I'm always up, and crawled over to her camping site to whisper, "Are you all right?"

"Yes," was her reply.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom?"


"Then lie back down and go back to sleep."

In the morning, I inquired, "Do you remember getting up last night?" I got the answer no.

Then there was the dreamy call for Mommy and the demand for some JUICE. Both I let go... not to pursue.

I loved watching the girls learn. Every exhibit we went to, they were like sponges -- soaking in everything. Dinosaurs, oragami, live animals, habitats, animation, model making, fish, the solar system, electricity. You name it about science, and they have it.

No worries, other Brownie Moms -- I'm right there, first in line to chaperone our next Science Museum Camp-In. Oh, and no -- (if you've read the Globe article) the chaperones didn't have those self inflating air mattresses; just good thermarest pads. The usual camping pads we use on our family's more traditional camping trips.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she stole your Suburban Diary!

oh well, it's proof that your topics are perfect.