Sunday, March 21, 2010

When nothing is something

After getting home from the breakfast I had the idea to rake, but instead I decided to do nothing today. I had made a quiche yesterday so there was that and some leftover vegetable soup in the refrigerator. No one would starve while I was doing my nothing.

First, I crawled up on my bed and watched Star Trek Next Generation with my hubby and knitted on my felted bag project. While watching I balled up to hanks of yarn and started the new striping section on my bag. After an episode or two, (These shows were truly written for me, I get so caught up in them.) I decided to work on the religious ed quilt. The project was so so close to completion.

So I dragged out the ironing board, iron, sewing machine, and the quilt pieces to see just how far I could get doing nothing. I washed the squares, laid them out to dry by ironing. Recreated the pattern we had sort of discussed in class, then started to sew the squares into strips and then the strips into a quilt top. Doing nothing I got most of the top put together (I am missing one little girl's square.) cut out the batting and the back. Then seeing that the whole house is full of my mess, I put the quilt project away along with all of its associated equipment. One less pile of debris from Mommy.

My oldest when asking me to rub her headache away, asked me what I had been doing all day. My answer, "Nothing."

So here I am at this computer typing in the granola recipe for the GS Brownie troop that is coming over tomorrow to learn about maple sugarmaking. They will have a tour and then make some pancakes and granola. And afterwards, I think I will resume doing nothing.


Anonymous said...

I have your GS Brownie uniform here for you...I found it Saturday when "The Family Jewel" asked what was in my GreatGrandmother Emilie's trunk. Some things are too special in memories to just toss out!

What a great day you had. Love, M

P.H. said...

Can't wait to see that. Thanks for saving it.